Amara Wrap Bracelet or Necklace with Color Change Garnet
The Amara wrap bracelet is the perfect little triple wrap bracelet. It can also be worn as a 21" necklace. This piece is made of a rare Color Change Garnet strand of beads with a 14K gold curved tube at the center, and it is decorated with little gold beads. The sage green color of the Color Change Garnet is a stunning sparkly earthy neutral green.
This bracelet is a perfect stand alone jewelry piece, but its super fun to mix and match colors and create a stack on your wrist. It pairs great with the Chelsea Bracelet as well.
Color Change Garnet get its name because it looks greenish grey when viewed under most light bulb wave lengths, but it appears reddish-purple when viewed with an incandescent light. Color Change Garnet is said to balance your love life, it inspires commitment, fidelity and stability in a marriage.